Google searches for ‘Sustainability’ has tripled over the last 3 years with some favourites being: “how to live sustainably”, “how to buy sustainably”, and “how to grow your business sustainably”.
It's great that searches are on the rise, but it’s starting to have conflicting meanings. It’s becoming a buzzword that isn’t clearly defined. The word itself (almost) becomes pointless if we don’t agree on a common definition. So let’s do that first.
“Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”A clear and decisive definition, that truly explains what sustainability means. The UN coined this in 1987, and it provides us with one big idea that we can all get behind. That is, how we live our lives today will affect the lives others live tomorrow.
Ultimately - to fulfil the UN’s definition. This means achieving Sustainable Development, and to do this we must look at 3 areas:
• Environment – The focus here is our ability to live within the means of our natural resources and protect global ecosystems.
• Social – This is our ability to create a world of good health, well-being, equality, education and prosperity for those who live in it.
• Economic – This is our ability to support our economic growth without negatively impacting the social, environmental or cultural aspects of our community.
Note: all three pillars need to be addressed, collectively, not separately.
Inside each pillar sits a series of goals. You’ll likely have seen these before. They cover everything from access to clean water, climate change to investment in innovation. I am of course talking about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are The UN’s blueprint to achieve what they call “peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
”You can read more about each goal here.
How long is a piece of string?
It’s no doubt an incredibly hard question to answer, but in reality, it’s when the below ceases to exist:
• Earth overshoot day – this is the date when humanity uses up all biological resources that Earth regenerates during the entire year. Note, every year this day happens sooner.
• Differences in pay for the same role due to Gender or Ethnicity.• Basic needs are not being met globally, especially our psychological and safety.
• Global warming.
• Animal extinctions.
• Extreme climate events such as severe flooding, forest fires.This list goes on…
It is powerful.“Sustainability is going to be the next digital and every business will be a sustainable business.”A great quote by Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture, given at The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, 2020.From experience, the thought is exciting, yet daunting.
There is so much opportunity, yet so much is needed to be done. It brings numerous questions. What does it mean to be a sustainable business? Where does my business start? How does our business become one?To answer these questions, we need to understand what sustainability means for companies. No matter size, sector or location.
To do this, we go back to the same problems the SDGs have been designed to solve. Yes, there will be some SDGs that will, by nature, have more alignment with business, ie. Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth Companies. But we can still look through all the 17 SDG lenses when it comes to considering how a business can become more sustainable.It isn’t just planting trees or donating to charities. These are both great things to do, but are just two pieces of the puzzle.
It’s all very well telling you what not to do, but come on Tom I hear you say, what on Earth should we be doing?
The first step for companies is to have a plan that works for you. Spoiler alert there are hundreds of ways to do this. From reporting on disclosure frameworks, achieving certifications, using scoring agencies to setting pledges. New sustainability standards are continually being introduced. That’s also part of the problem (and a topic for another day). But with any approach, the goal remains the same. You first need to find a framework to measure, improve and report on. One that feels right for you.
Next up, action! Sounds simple enough, but from experience - this part takes time. Once you have a framework, you then want to work towards introducing/amending policies, processes and standards into how you operate to propel your company forward.
The focus of these actions is all around improving our environment, society and economic future.There are countless things you can do, and dependent on your size, industry, and location there will, of course, be some things that aren’t relevant nor practical to do - but I guarantee you there is more you can do than can’t.
Start by focusing on what you can do right now, then continually improve in time. The saying goes, as our society and planet evolve – so must businesses.
Here are some quick win examples to get you started:
• Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3) – consider what you offer your employees. From flexible working practices, health assessments to steps taken to avoid employee burnout.
• Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) – consider how you source and procure from suppliers. From purchasing policies, and product materials, to supplier code of conducts. You want your supply chain to be a reflection of your company values.
• Climate Change (SDG 13) – consider what you’re doing to reduce your company’s carbon footprint. From switching to renewable energy, new travel policies, to green hosting providers. Every business has a carbon footprint - yes, even if you’re a micro-fully-remote-service company.
A healthy body requires healthy habits. Guess what? A sustainable business needs sustainable processes.The trick is to see sustainability as an ongoing aspect of your business, baked into the core. As you implement new policies and processes, you then maintain and improve these, all the while seeing if there are further policies and processes to implement. Measure, report, improve, repeat. It’s a simple cycle. Yet one that creates real change in our world. A change needed for future generations.
Just that, it’s a road - one that will take you on a sustainability journey with your company. There isn’t a set destination, just pit stops along the way. With new policies and processes to implement, certifications you may want to achieve (like B Corp), or commitments you may want make (like Net-Zero Emissions).
The road you are on is likely to be different to that of other companies. Fear not. Release the handbrake, pop that foot on the accelerator and get going with your journey (today preferably).